For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Philippians 2:13 NIV
Jack was nothing but trouble. He was disobedient, defiant, reckless, deceitful, surly and rude. His mother was despairing and as leaders of our Pathfinder Kids Club we struggled to keep ahead of him because he bullied, stole, vandalised, played pranks and defied authority. One evening, on a camping trip I was the supervisor for the boy’s cabin. After lights out, although exhausted, I lay tense and still, wondering what would follow. Sometime later I heard rustling, then stealthy steps, as Jack quietly headed for the door. He stopped and watched me a few moments to ensure I was asleep. Bad luck for him, I was not. As he placed his hand on the door knob I said, “Jack – go back to bed!” He nearly jumped out of his skin. He did go back to bed but I didn’t sleep most of the night in case he decided to try and go awol again. He was an unrepentant terror, yet one day in his teen years he met Jesus. The change in him was profound. His life was transformed by the power of the living God. His face became radiant and his character – gentle, kind and thoughtful. If we are willing, God can change us too. For he wants to make us his sons and daughters, that reflect his character, and represent him to the world.
( Boy’s name changed to protect identity.) photo by sebastiaan-stam-pexels
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