Everyday Promises – 263

He helps me

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me…Psalm 28:7 NIV

I could hardly walk; my back was so bad. I had just boarded a plane for a 23-hour flight to England. My son and his partner were meeting me there and they were taking me on an extended holiday through Europe. I was excited and concerned all at once. How could I possibly manage to even get to London, let alone travelling the UK, France, Germany and Italy. I had requested an aisle seat so I could get up every hour and walk. Still, it was almost unbearable. I prayed earnestly that God would help me, as it is difficult to enjoy anything when you are in pain. Pain sitting, pain walking, pain laying down. I was blessed to have an opportunity to get horizontal for part of the flight, which certainly helped. When I eventually stepped off the plane and joyously greeted my family, the pain was almost gone. For the entire arduous trip my back was near perfect. I know that the Lord heard my prayers and healed my poor, worn out back. He was so good to me. He loves you in just the same way. He cares about your difficulties no matter how insignificant they appear to others. Don’t be afraid to ask for his help and trust him, for he will come to your aid.

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