Everyday Promises – 351

Don't walk the journey alone.

But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. Job 23:10 NIV

Job, the ancient patriarch of the Bible, who spoke these words was sure of certain things in this life. He understood that God is all knowing and can see every intimate detail of our actions and every hidden thought. He was aware that this life is a journey that can take us through many a dark valley. Yet he was sure that he would come through it as gold. How did he know? What made him so sure? Here is how we can have assurance that we will come through every trial that is in our path and be saved eternally. Jesus death on the cross was for the whole world, yet not all will be saved. Salvation is a free gift but people must believe that God has provided the gift and then they must accept the gift. When we accept Jesus as our personal Saviour we then commit our lives into his care and that means seeking God and asking him into our life every day by the Holy Spirit. When we do this every day, assurance that we are saved fills our soul and gives us peace. Do you want to come through every trial as gold? Then don’t walk the journey alone.


photo by-andrei-tanase-pexels

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