Everyday Promises – 357

Crowned with love and compassion

Who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, Psalm 103:4 NIV

It was early 2004 and I decided I would like to go on a mission trip to Mongolia that was coming up in July and August of that year. My problem was I was in the middle of upgrading to a bachelor’s degree in Primary Education and had university fees outstanding. I prayed that God would help me if he wanted me to go. Just before I had to pay for the tickets and accommodation for the trip a letter arrived. To my surprise it was from an attorney informing me that my uncle, who had recently passed away, had left me a few thousand dollars. That money was greatly appreciated. Not only did it pay for my journey, but it also paid for my uni fees, helped my children out of a jam and gave me a little spending money as well. We have an awesome, caring, compassionate God who delights to help his children and bring joy to their lives. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you are in need, for God longs to shower his love on his precious children.

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