Everyday Promises 88


…the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:8 NIV

Have you ever sat and watched the ceaseless activity of ants. Ants are truly amazing insects. They can lift about 20 times their body weight and they only sleep a little over 4 hours per day in power naps of about 1 minute each time. No wonder they never seem to stop. Human activity has escalated over the centuries until we appear to be as ceaseless in our coming and going as ants. There is no part of the world where it is not possible to travel and planes, trains and cars make it easy to achieve. It is nice to know that even to the end of this world’s history God will look after his children. No matter where you travel or where you live, if you put yourself into God’s care, his loving eyes will watch over you.


photo by egor-kamelev-pexels    ant info from https://www.pestworldforkids and https://www.nationalgeographic.com

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