Following The Evidence #102

Aside from Scripture, the fine tuning previously discussed is the strongest evidence for God’s existence. However, order, elegance, design, and the big bang also point to a Creator. There is much order seen in the universe and in living organisms. The laws of physics and life show thoughtful synthesis. As I teach year 8 Science at school, I find most impressive the order inherent in the Periodic Table of the Elements. This arrangement of the 90 naturally occurring atoms (along with the several manmade ones) was discovered by Mendeleyev in the mid-19th century. He grouped the families of elements together from lightest to heaviest by examining their shared characteristics and realized there was a repetitive sequence. He then placed them in an order that predicted some that had not yet been discovered. Discovery of these confirmed the table’s truth.

The whole material universe has is made of these elements. We humans are of the same stuff as the stars. The elements’ electron properties allow for the construction of a wonderful array of chemical compounds (as especially seen in the chemistry of life: proteins, DNA etc). While characteristics of the nucleus allow fusion to release massive amounts of energy giving light and warmth (The stars burn Hydrogen in their nuclear reactors forming Helium and heavier elements).

But these diverse elements with all their amazing combinations and derivations are concocted using 3 forms of matter: protons, neutrons, and electrons, and three forces: the weak and strong nuclear and the electromagnetic forces. A few basic laws govern their actions. This is an elegant order! Such beauty and complexity from such simplicity!

The elegance and beauty in the order of the very atoms of our being does not give the appearance of the workings of chance. But rather that of careful thought and intention. I see this as strong evidence for a Creator, who knew the nature of His medium, and used it with grace and skill.
Although not all would agree with various details of the Big Bang theory, it has been accepted by most cosmologists as a fairly accurate description of the origin of the universe. It has a very interesting feature: a beginning! This theory of origins is consistent with Genesis 1:1. It also argues against an eternal or cyclical universe. This makes atheists uncomfortable.

Arthur Eddington, a British physicist and atheist who experimentally confirmed Einstein’s general theory of relativity in 1919 said, “Philosophically, the notion of a beginning to the present order is repugnant to me. I should like to find a genuine loophole.” If the universe has a beginning, who initiated that beginning? A Creator outside the universe itself is a logical deduction.

We have also discussed previously design, as for example in the eye of the flight of Bees and Flies. The belief that this could happen by gradual change through natural selection (There is no explanation mind you, but merely assertion) is a true act of faith.

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