05 Sep Following The Evidence #16
I watched a dog once, bouncing across the lawn chasing a butterfly. How cute, I thought! Then I noticed he was not chasing the butterfly, but the shadow on the ground. How is that like so many people I thought. Chasing the shadows and ignoring the reality. “What fools we mortals be,” said Shakespeare. Atheism is such a primitive faith based on blind assumptions! It’s difficult debating such a primitive redundant faith with their disciples, because their deeply ingrained, deluded, massively ill-informed pre-supposition is based on the blind-chance-of -the-gaps theorem.
Namely, we certainly don’t know and definitely have absolutely no chance of even coming close to explaining, therefore obviously blind chance did it. This despite the fact that based on their assumed age of the universe and the assumed number of atoms in the entire universe (according to their own holy books/revered holy scriptures) it is simply mathematically IMPOSSIBLE for life to have arisen by chance. There’s no point debating an adherent of such a primitive faith as atheism, because an atheist simply HAS to believe. They have a need to believe because their faith yields them the freedom to behave in any immoral, unethical and evil way they like, with scant regard to result or consequence which their convenient, popular, faith-based world view tells them does not exist. History has proven the result of atheism devoid of the moral compass that God provides. Non-believers are exterminated by the millions!
Atheism is an easy faith-based religion: live as you like and then just sleep peacefully for ever more at the end of it. Despite the fact that ALL THE EVIDENCE science is uncovering about the vast complexity of this universe and the minute precision and fine tuning that allows existence, and life to even occur, the primitive atheist clings to his backward and primitive faith. An intelligence couldn’t have done it but the dead laws of nature did, (which, by definition must pre date the big bang and therefore be essentially eternal-yes you got it, dead laws of nature can be eternal but NOT a living intelligence!) Tragically, most people will not take the time to examine the evidence for God and eternal life.
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