Following The Evidence #3

A common objection I hear is that you cannot prove that God exists. Of course, in a single argument that is true. Back in the early 70’s working on a Science degree (yes I am that old) I spent many hours up in the Hills behind the University (Massey University in NZ) grappling with the issues of life (and writing poetry about those issues.) My father had died the year before and as I watched the shadows move across the valley and merge with the darkness, I felt the meaninglessness of his life. I thought, “when I die no one will even know that he’s been here!” I determined at that stage in my life that I would not live and die and never know why, that I would not go out of this world not knowing why I came into it. I cried out to God that IF He was there, that he would reveal Himself to me. The ‘If’ was a big one because I didn’t know if He was even there. But over the next few years, as I dabbled in every religion I could find, He did reveal himself to me. The probability of God increases as we follow the evidence. Paul said, “If Christ has not been raised your faith is futile.” (1 Corinthians 15:17) The same argument can be applied to the existence of God. Proof for God is a process of examining the evidence. God has put eternity into our hearts, unlike the rest of His creation. Journey with me down the path I took, and continue to take.

Antony Flew was a famously outspoken Atheist for most of his life. He made a radical change in his later life much to the consternation of his atheistic colleagues. In his book There Is A God. He said, “Indeed, atheism itself has a number of propositions that have to be accepted by faith, e.g. that something (the universe) came from nothing, non-living matter evolved into living cells by stochastic (random) chemistry, complex specified information arose without intelligence, morality arose by natural selection, etc… The only satisfactory explanation of such ‘end directed, self-replicating’ life as we see on earth is an infinitely intelligent Mind…” Amidst his struggle he concluded in his introduction to the book, “it has become inordinately difficult even to begin to think about constructing a naturalistic theory of evolution of that first reproducing organism.” “I had to go where the evidence leads.”

And that’s what we will be doing with this series – following the evidence.

  • Warren Fedorow
    Posted at 10:00h, 03 October Reply

    Very good. Thank you.

  • Anita Brooker
    Posted at 19:01h, 29 October Reply

    Hi Ross
    Can you please add me? 🙏 🙂

    • Ross Chadwick
      Posted at 19:16h, 22 November Reply

      Hi Anita to register for Evidences please go here and I’ll add you to the next start date. REGISTER HERE

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