08 Sep Following The Evidence #60
Even though satan does his worst, the God of creation has a plan of re-creation that includes His Son Jesus, who was willing to die to pay our debt so that we might have eternal life. Satan worked through King Herod to destroy the Christ child (He was defeated). Satan came to Jesus in the wilderness, masquerading as an angel from heaven with three great temptations (He was defeated). Satan worked the crowd to destroy Jesus at Calvary (He was a defeated foe forever!). Although there was a Calvary, there was a resurrection! Praise God! So it was that God gave His Son; and the Son gave Himself, to reverse your fate and mine. It was an hour of victory, a day to spell freedom for all the prisoners of the devil on Planet Earth. That day Satan became a defeated foe! Christ by His death earned the right to destroy all evil and suffering.
What did Paul write in Hebrews 2:14: Jesus defeat the devil and the power of death.
Satan demonstrated before all the intelligences of the universe what kind of being he is, and he is still demonstrating the way he would run the world. You may be wondering about sorrow, heartache, and difficulty in your own life. You may be wondering about the loss of a loved one and asking, “where is God?” The Bible teaches that God is there. He is in the midst of your heartache, sorrow, and difficulty. He will soon come to take care of the problem of sin and suffering. The good news is that this celestial planet, hijacked by satan, is soon to be rescued. This knowledge should quiet the fears of nervous, anxious passengers on a planet gone wrong! God has a plan to destroy satan. What is the devil’s fate according to Ezekiel 18:16-18? Turned to ashes on the earth.
Contemplation on the war: Jesus is coming soon! Not as a lowly Galilean, not as one ridiculed, spat upon, and denied. Not as one hanging on a cross, but as King of kings and Lord of lords with the right to reign! We must be ready to meet Him, for if we miss that, we miss everything! The issue today is, whom will we believe? Whom will we follow? A loving God-or a fallen angel?
The lines are being drawn; the whole world is being divided into two sides. Where is
your loyalty? Whose side are you on? To every restless, lonely heart, to every aching, guilty soul, to all His children on a planet in rebellion, Jesus gives the loving invitation:” “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matt 11:28 455
Judy astleford
Posted at 07:20h, 16 JanuaryThat’sa study we need to revisit over and over!