05 Sep Following The Evidence #1
Does God really exist? Whether you consider yourself a believer or a sceptic, I invite you to seek the same kind of honesty that the Father in Mark 9:24 said to Jesus, “Lord help me overcome my unbelief!” – help me with my doubts. The result of this prayer will exceed anything you can imagine.
Following the Evidence: Day one
Is there a God? How can we know? If there is a God, does He care? Albert Einstein asked the question, “Is the universe a friendly place because the world does not explain itself?” An analysis of the universe shows it has two faces. It gives mixed messages. Sublime beauty combined with exploding super-novae and black holes. The beauty of life is marred by death. Nature does the same! We love beautiful gardens, but weeds grow without encouragement. In the splendor of the world, we also see insurrectionist forces trying to tear down what is good. The natural world appears on the verge of collapse. We enjoy nature, but sometimes it seems to be our enemy. As Australians we seem to swing from one extreme to another, between fire and floods. Dorothy McKellar wrote about it in her poem “A Sunburnt Country” over 100 years ago.
The age-old question is, if God created everything then who or what created God? Even the evolutionists have this problem of first cause. Where did anything come from? Matter, energy, the laws of physics and chemistry and Mathematics? Even without God we have this dilemma. Many people today think we were just cast up from some primeval slime by some dimly perceived force (that they believe in by faith). They think that humanity, in each of its cycles, lives its little day and then passes on to nothingness. The dance of life, for all its colour and movement finds its meaning in its inevitable finale. From there we relapse into the original nothingness from whence we came.
Man’s telescope and technology have made us acutely aware of the vast reaches of emptiness. Recent stunning new images from the James Webb Space Telescope have offered us a fuller picture of our universe, looking billions of years into the past of our universe – for that is how long it has taken the light to reach us. We have been shown how puny earth is; a mere speck in the universe circling an insignificant star. We are separated from everything else by mind boggling cold dark distances. What if across the infinite reaches of darkness and silence a voice should come? Would it not transform our living? The Bible asserts exactly that! The apostles first words in his sermon to the Hebrews smashes the riddle and dilemma of human existence. He started in v1 by say, “In many and various ways God spoke…” through the prophets and prophecy, through miracles and deliverance. Now in Hebrews 1:2 we read, “He has spoken to us through His Son.”
This series is about following the Evidence for God and about hearing His voice as He speaks to us.
noeleen threlfo
Posted at 07:14h, 01 OctoberThank you. I look forward to the series.
Ross Chadwick
Posted at 19:30h, 22 NovemberHi Noeleen to register for Evidences please go here and I’ll add you to the next start date. REGISTER HERE