Paul’s Footsteps #109

Footsteps #109

The man of sin was introduced in 2:3&4. Don’t be fooled by what they say. For that day will not come until there is a great rebellion against God and the man of lawlessness is revealed—the one who brings destruction. He will exalt himself and defy everything that people call god and every object of worship. He will even sit in the temple of God, claiming that he himself is God.” NLT Through much of Christian history he has operated to undermine God’s law (particularly the Sabbath) and to usurp powers that belong only to Christ. In passages such as Dan.7:20-25 (the little horn) and Rev.13:1-7 (the beast from the sea), this same power operates after the fall of the pagan Roman Empire, combining both religious and secular authority to persecute God’s people. The only power in history that fits all the specifications of these prophecies is the papacy. Many interpreters from the Middle Ages, and even to this day, have designated this institution as the antichrist. (Only recently have Christians moved away from that interpretation. Interesting in the light of where we are in last day events. 2:7-8 at first seems difficult The restrainer is Neuter (a thing) in v6 and masculine (a person) in v7. The Lawless one (v8) is masculine but Neuter in V7  (the NLT translates – “until he is out of the way”).This identification of the papacy fits the specifications of 2Thess.2 that the man of sin would be both masculine (a person) and neuter (a world power or institution).

In v7, “mystery of lawlessness” (NASB), is an appropriate designation for his activity. But at the close of history, just before the Second Coming, there will be an even more world-wide, open defiance of God and His laws. The continuity of powers, both in this passage and elsewhere (Dan.7 and Rev.13), indicates that the papacy will play a major role at the end of time, as well.

2THess.2:8-10, draws back the curtain to reveal an even greater antichrist behind the one that has operated among the nations in the course of history. Satan himself is the author and finisher of the deceptions of the end time. As the return of Jesus approaches, events will force him into a final act of desperation. He will throw caution to the winds and appear in person to mimic the earthly ministry of Jesus (see Footsteps #). Through counterfeit miracles he attempts to draw people’s attention away from the gospel (the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus) and even the Second Coming itself.

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