Paul’s Footsteps #151

Footsteps #151

As we reflect on Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth we noted yesterday that 1Cor.10:13 constitutes an important contribution to the Christian’s arsenal against temptation. While the pressure of the temptation may seem unbearable, the promise declares that it is not. While we may not see the way of escape, it is there. In the darkness of our night battles of the soul, we have the infrared vision of the promises. We can see the realities of God’s grace; which Satan seeks to hide in his demonic gloom. 

Remember the encouragement of 1Cor.13:12. In eternity we will not suffer from limited knowledge. Those things that haunt us now will not trouble us then. Crisis, trauma, pain, and injustice. How will they appear in the full knowledge of eternity? If you could ask God to explain just one mystery or troubling event to you what would it be? 1Cor.13:12 does not just offer a hopeful word about our future knowledge. It offers an equally heartening reminder of God’s present knowledge. While our present knowledge is limited, God’s is not. Though we do not know God fully, He knows us completely and employs that knowledge to our best good. 

From day to day, whether at work or prayer, when we lie down at night or rise in the morning, whether rich or poor; each is watched by our heavenly father. There are no tears shed that He does not notice, just as there is no smile that He does not mark. We need to trust God in the darkness as well as in the light. During the nights of affliction, like Paul and Silas in jail, how can we refuse to lift our hearts and voices in grateful praise when we remember the love to us expressed by the cross of Calvary. 

To modern Christians comes the incredible challenge of living the Christian life amid the gathering gloom of the end. To meet the challenge, God has provided powerful promises and granted us the capacity for praise. By using both, we are able to look beyond our problems and difficulties to find strength in the Lord of all things.   

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