Paul’s Footsteps #167

Footsteps #167

2Cor5:10, along with such passages as Acts:17:31, Rev22:12 and Acts.10:42 make it clear that everyone will face judgment in one way or another. One group will face condemnation and the other acquittal because they have Jesus as their lawyer in the courtroom of heaven. Jesus talked about the opening of the graves to “the resurrection of life…and the resurrection of Judgment,” (John.5:28-29.) Revelation calls the second resurrection “the second death” because the unsaved die twice! (Rev.20:6). Born once die twice, born twice, die once – if at all, because some will be living when Jesus comes. Rev.20:12 also talks about the judgment books from which all will be judged. Of course, God does not need books, (or even computer files in contemporary linguistics.) This is conceptual language that speaks to our limited finite minds. The message is that a record is being kept, and we will be accountable for it. This is why the concept of Jesus being our High Priest is so important in the NT. With Jesus as your advocate (lawyer) your case cannot be lost, there can only be an acquittal, because he has already paid your penalty – which is death (see Rom.6:23) The only question you need ask is, “Have I put my case into the hands of Jesus?”  

Imagine standing before the Almighty God of the Universe who knows absolutely everything and who will judge without partiality because He is just, holy, righteous, true, and perfect in all His ways. His judgment will be final. He is God, there is no higher court to appeal to! Notice in 5:10 it is the judgment seat of Christ – He becomes both our lawyer and judge! 

There are literally dozens of passages that speak of rewards in heaven. Much of this comes in the form of word pictures about crowns: Crowns of rejoicing, righteousness, life, glory, etc (1Thes.2:19,2 Tim.4:8, James.1:12, 1Peter.5:4). I don’t know of what these crowns consist but they are at the very least signs of honour. There is an indication in Rev.4:10 that what we will do with these crowns is not wear them, but lay them before the throne of God in gratitude for our salvation. 

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