26 Nov Paul’s Footsteps #205
Footsteps #205
From the interesting prelude “Again I say, don’t think that I am a fool to talk like this. But even if you do, listen to me, as you would to a foolish person, while I also boast a little. ” NLT (2Cor.11:16), Paul now presents his résumé. This is his “boast.” What follows is an abbreviated summary of his work history as an apostle. Notice the progression through which Paul leads us. As you read vs21-29, bear in mind that Paul desires here to establish an intentional comparison of his credentials with that of the false apostles that have come into the church in Corinth. It is clear here that Paul is making a comparison. He does so first in the area of lineage in v22. There is the possibility that the false apostles had touted their Jewish lineage as something superior to Paul’s. If they had actually grown up and lived in Jerusalem or the area of Judea, they could have viewed that as somehow a better lineage than Paul who grew up in Antioch. Paul’s contention is that his lineage is equal to theirs. (c.f.Phil.3) Next, Paul uses another area of comparison, that of being servants of Christ. Rather than declaring equality, Paul states that he is more a servant of Christ than the false apostles. He doesn’t labour the point. Yet you cannot escape the clear message of those three words at the end of v23, “I am more.” Everything that follows, from the middle of v23 through to the end of v29, builds from and expands on those three words. Here are the credentials that Paul offers as an indication of his service for Christ. Reading through this list does not begin to do justice to all that these words represent. As you look at and listen to what Paul writes, bear in mind that these are the experiences of one individual, scattered over about 20 years. Paul is saying, where is the substance behind their claim to a ministry position in the church in Corinth? Paul details his experience and his mindset as a basis for comparison with the false apostles. One of my immediate responses is that there simply is no comparison between his credentials of service for Christ and that of the false apostles! Paul’s list is simply overwhelming! Some of these experiences are recorded in the book of Acts.
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