24 Nov Pauls Footsteps #336
“…so that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but ]according to the Spirit.” Romans 8:4 NASB
Footsteps #336. The metaphor of walking in v4 is helpful here. Progress in the Christian life for most of us is akin to walking rather than to flying. Our spiritual growth on a day-to-day basis may not be spectacular, it may be stumbling but it is steady. But even that progressive walk is possible only because of the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. Those who live “according to the Spirit” not only have power for victory, but also have their horizons broadened as to what is important and possible in life. Walking with the Spirit is a truly transforming experience. God not only wants to do something for those in Christ (justification); He intends to do something in them (sanctification). V5 continues “Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit.” (NLT)
Setting one’s mind on “things of the flesh” does not necessarily refer to those thoughts and actions that we consider as gross sensuality, a fact demonstrated by Paul’s list of the works of the flesh in Gal.5:19-21. He includes such things as jealousy, selfish ambition, and envy. Thus a disposition that we might define as “of the flesh” may manifest itself in many ways. Such people may have good intentions and might even be church members or even church employees, but their frame of reference is shaped by things of this life. And that perspective influences the way they live. Thus the way of the flesh, in line with Paul’s metaphor in Rom.8:4, is a way of walking through life.
Opposed to that perspective and life is the way of the Spirit. “Those who live according to the Spirit” do so because they have “set their minds on the Spirit”. Once again, those who centre their minds on spiritual things are not only somewhat interested in them. On the contrary, their minds and lives are focused on spiritual things, just as those who have set their minds on “fleshly things” have lives dominated by things of this world.
Paul has no doubt about it. Where your mind is, there will your life be also. That is a challenging thought. Where is my mind? What do I like to think about when I have free time? Who are you when no one is looking? What do the answers to those questions say to me about my spiritual orientation?
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