Paul’s Footsteps #36

Footsteps #36

Galatians.1:13–24 provide an autobiographical account of Paul’s situation before his conversion (Gal.1:13, 14), at his conversion (Gal.1:15, 16), and afterward (Gal.1:16–24). Paul claims the circumstances that surrounded each of these events make it absolutely impossible for anyone to claim that he received his gospel from anyone but God. Paul was not going to sit by and allow anyone to disparage his message by questioning his calling. He knew what happened to him, he knew what he was called to teach, and he was going to do it, no matter the cost. How certain are you of your assurance in Christ? How can you know for sure what God has called you to do something?

The gospel preached by Paul is still the unshakable basis for the Christian faith today. Everything in our lives must be subject to its authority. The Internet and other forms of modern technology have made it possible for the “tuned in” among us to gain access to an incredible amount of information. At the same time, this accessibility has made it more feasible than ever for us simply to “tune out” voices that we disagree with or that challenge us. As such, our view of the world is shaped by the authorities we choose to consider trustworthy. The world in which Paul wrote Galatians was not so different. There were many people claiming to be authorities, with all sorts of plausible reasons that their opponents were not authorities at all. Paul’s opponents, advocating a gospel that was not a gospel, attacked Paul by undermining his claims to authority and by sowing confusion and suspicion within the church. Paul responded by basing his authority not on his own personal qualities but on the best grounds of all: his encounter with Jesus Christ and the message (the gospel) received. In the final analysis, who or what is your authority? The Bible or other voices?

In Galatians there are 47 references to Jesus and He is ascribed 8 titles. The Son (humanity), The Son of God (divinity), Jesus Christ (power to save), Christ Jesus (atoning death), Christ (Messiah), Lord Jesus (Resurrection and Lord), Jesus (brother.)

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