02 Jan Meditations on the Psalms #135
Day 135
Psalm 64: Read here – https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%2064&version=NASB
Nobody likes it when people say things about them behind their backs that aren’t true (or nice). As always, with the man who was after God’s own heart, he takes his plight to the Lord. He believed that God would hear the silent expression of his heart as his voice. Every sentence reveals the relentless fury and remorseless subtlety and cruelty of the foes by whom he was surrounded, but no man is helpless who can look up. However high and closely encircling may be the walls that men or sorrows build around us, there is always an opening in the dungeon roof, through which heaven is visible and prayers can mount. We need to pray as the psalmist does, not so much for the deliverance from enemies and their tongues, but rather from the fear of them.
The NIV gives a good sense of v2 by translating it, ‘Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked.’ Their words and bitter lies were sharp like arrows.
David’s enemies didn’t use literal arrows, but they attacked him secretly, anonymously, without the courage to say things to his face. They shot at him like a sniper shoots at a man who has no way to defend himself.
God answers back with His own arrow (v7-9). David knew that God was his defender. David’s enemies shot at him like snipers, from hidden and high positions. David’s friend was God, in a higher and more hidden position. They shot their poisonous words at David ‘suddenly,’(v4). God would shoot back at them ‘suddenly’ (v7). This reminds us that often the judgment of God comes upon the wicked unexpectedly, without any warning.
David was confident that God would use His dealings against these wicked men as a lesson to others(v9). When they saw the evil plotters wounded by God, they would learn. Those who might have been bold in sin shall be made to tremble and to stand in awe of the righteous Judge. ‘At the name of Jesus Every knee shall bow; in heaven or on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord,’ says Paul in Eph 2:10-11.
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