16 Sep Meditations on the Psalms #182
Psalm 91 Part 2
The devil and his agents often work as ‘the trapper’ (v3) works to trap birds. These are metaphors describing how our affairs can be entangled, or our loyalty can be compromised. The fowler works in secret, often enticing with pleasures or decoys. Notice the use of the word ‘you’ in v3-4, which is a way of saying that these truths are for each reader personally.
The media may scare us with the ‘perilous pestilence’, the scourge of terrorism or the snares of covetousness and immorality, but if God is our refuge, we have greater eternal security. Even the pestilence of death does not terrify us, because we know that it will just give us, after the resurrection, a new address, even closer to God than we now are. With this assurance, we need not be frightened by anything or anyone. God is with us and we are safe in Him regardless of our circumstances. Having God as our shelter and refuge gives us strength and courage. When God’s people are stuck deep in fear, it is an indication that they fall short of proper trust in God as protector and comforter. Many of our griefs arise from fear. The psalmist represented, in vs 5-6, all kinds of destruction that could come in all kinds of circumstances. It could come ‘by night’ or ‘by day, in darkness or at noonday’. It could come as ‘terror’ or by ‘arrow,’ as a ‘pestilence’ or as ‘destruction.’ These are types of all perils. Whenever or however it comes, God is able to defend His people, if we have made Him our refuge.
Vs 7-12 are a promise to hold onto during the 7 last plagues (Rev16). The principles and promises in vs10-16 are directed towards those who trust in the Lord, making Him their ‘dwelling place’ – their source of life and satisfaction. God does not say no afflictions shall befall us, but no evil. The promise of vs12-13 depicts God’s people not just as survivors but as victors who trample their perils underfoot. Look up the words of Paul in 1Cor15:54-56 where the ultimate victory is proclaimed.
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