16 Sep Meditations on the Psalms #205
Psalm 102 Part 3
C.F.vs1-11 with vs23-28. One is sad, but the other is glad. In one the writer is occupied with himself, but in the other with his God. One is limited to time, the other reaches to eternity. In one the psalmist is in the quagmire, in the other, he is among the stars.
The psalmist has felt the exhaustion of long sorrow and the shortness of his life. Will God do all these glorious things of which he has been singing, and will he live to see it? His poem/prayer echoes the inextinguishable confidence of his devout heart.
The solemn grandeur of vs25-27, while reminiscent of Isaiah, is remarkable in that the psalmist does not draw the conclusion that he himself shall receive an answer to his prayer, but that the children will.
Hebrews1:10-12 quotes vs25-27 and applies them to Jesus. The psalm speaks of the coming of Yahweh for redemption which is manifest in the Messiah. If Hebrews attributes Ps102:25-27 to Jesus then he is the Creator God of the OT, the one who “created the worlds” (Hebrews1:2 is plural.)
The writer of Hebrews is not asserting that the psalmist consciously spoke of the Messiah, but he is declaring that his words, read in the light of history, point to Jesus as the crowning manifestation of the redeeming and creating God.
What of the two advents from an OT perspective? Between the nearer lower mountain and the further peak in the prophetic landscape is a long deep valley, which was not seen by the prophetic age. The mountains seemed to be one, but history has shown that they were two and one of them lies still in the future. We are now travelling through the valley between.
Before we begin Ps 103 let me connect the two. In 102 the focus is on self, in Ps103 it is on God. 102 is prayer, 103 is praise. In 102 the spirit is depressed, in 103 he is exultant. In 102 the writer is like a moping owl, in 103 he is a soaring eagle. In 102 the psalmist asks for much, in 103 there is no petition only praise.
Psalm 102
25 Long ago you laid the foundation of the earth
and made the heavens with your hands.
26 They will perish, but you remain forever;
they will wear out like old clothing.
You will change them like a garment
and discard them.
27 But you are always the same;
you will live forever.
Hebrews 1:10-12
0 He also says to the Son,
“In the beginning, Lord, you laid the foundation of the earth
and made the heavens with your hands.
11 They will perish, but you remain forever.
They will wear out like old clothing.
12 You will fold them up like a cloak
and discard them like old clothing.
But you are always the same;
you will live forever.”[a]
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