Meditations on the Psalms #340

Psalm 148 Part 2. 

You missed the concert! But so did the rest of us! It must have been unforgettable! I’m talking about the concert of the morning stars and the angelic choir at the actual time of God’s creation (Job.38:7). Can you imagine the sound when they shouted for joy?  
 Anyone and anything can praise God by fulfilling the purpose for which it was created. The angelic hosts, the sun moon, and stars, and now the heaven of heavens! In the mind of an ancient Hebrew, the blue sky, the night sky, and God’s dwelling place could all be thought of as an aspect of the heavens. The singer here looks to the ultimate of heaven, and all the heavens, to praise God, including the clouds with their waters. But the highest and most glorious heaven, the Heavens of heavens: the place of God’s throne and glorious presence, see e.g.Ps.115:16.  
Evolution may be atheistic, but the doctrine of creation logically requires worship; just as the tree is known by its fruit, it proves itself to be true, so also those who are created are under command to adore their Creator. He is to be praised as a preserver as well as our creator. Such a mighty maker deserves praise. 

The first part of this psalm called upon things in the heavens to give praise to Yahweh.  Now, (vs7-12) things below the heavens should also not fail to give their praise to God, and all the earth should join in this praise. Unfortunately, modern humanity makes the mistake of ‘worshipping and serving the creation rather than the creator’ (Romans.1:25). This sad pagan error has a 21st-century idol called evolution.  
Yahweh’s praise should especially be proclaimed by all who are made in His image. All humanity – ‘kings, princes, judges, young and old’ – all owe praise to the God who made them and sustains them.  

After the whole creation has been called to praise God; man, for whom it was all made, has an even higher reason for praise. Redeemed by the blood of the incarnate God, we are exhorted to join and fill up the universal chorus of heaven and earth.   

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