21 Sep Meditations on the Psalms #346
Psalm 150 part 2
This last psalm shares the same beginning and ending line as the previous four. No crisis or enemy is in view; this is pure praise and His people are encouraged and exhorted to praise Him also.
The sanctuary (dwelling) of God is the most fitting place for His praise. This sanctuary was initially a tent, and then Solomon’s temple. It had replaced the altars erected since Eden as memorials of what God would do through the Messiah. It was a place set apart for His honour, and involved special recognition of His presence – the indwelling Shekinah glory! If Yahweh is to be praised anywhere, it should be in His sanctuary.
In light of the New Covenant, we realize that God’s sanctuary is not fixed to a particular building in Jerusalem. John uses Sanctuary language to describe Jesus’ incarnation – Jesus ‘tabernacled’ with us (John.1:10NKJV.) Other versions use the word ‘dwelt’ which is what ‘sanctuary’ means in Hebrew. In the NT Jesus was ‘Emanuel’ – God with us. In considering how God has revealed Himself we need to remember that God is Omnipresence(Ps.139:5-10.) He can be anywhere, but He decided to choose a specific place to meet with His people, as well as the angels, the non-fallen worlds(Job1:6ff) and with us eventually.
When considering the omnipresence and omniscience of God there are some questions to ask: Does an all-knowing and everywhere present God need judgement scrolls for a written record? Can Omnipresence be limited to one limited space (a chair/throne)? Do angels actually have wings? Does God wear a crown? God, through His word, talks to us in concepts that our limited finite minds can understand. Thrones and crowns suggest kingship and rulership. Books signify records being kept; wings suggest flight. So, what is this “sanctuary” that is God’s dwelling place (Ps102:19)? The one on earth was a pattern or shadow of the one in heaven (Ex.25:8-9, Heb.8:5) The word pattern literally means “miniature model.” Daniel and John declare that 100’s of millions of angels worship in the Sanctuary around the throne. (Dan.7:10, Rev.5:11). So no earthly structure could truly represent the glory of what is in heaven.
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