28 Dec Meditations on the Psalms #51
Day 51
Psalm 25 part 2
All the paths of the LORD are lovingkindness and truth,(v10) for those who stay in His covenant and in His word. Focus yourself once again on His covenant promise and His teachings, and you will find that His ways are not hard. ‘The paths’ are literally wagon wheel ruts – they cut deep into our souls.
David seemed to know the freedom and peace that comes from saying, “LORD, I know that I am a great sinner; but You are an even greater Saviour. I humbly submit myself to You and ask you to pardon my iniquity.
Using the Hebrew poetic tool of repetition, David set the idea of humility (v9) next to the idea of reverent fear of God v12-14. The two concepts are closely connected, and this humble, reverent person can expect the gift of God’s guidance and instruction. In v14 ‘The secret’(NASB) or ‘Friendship’ (RSV) of the Lord is for those who fear him.’ Whether we translate the word ‘secret’ or ‘friendship,’ the sense is substantially the same. Obedience and the true fear of Yahweh will give discernment of His purposes and will be rewarded by whispers from heaven.
( c.f.1Cor2:14). If we are to have God make our way plain and if we are to enter into the inner thoughts of the Almighty, then we must fear Him, revere Him and trust and obey Him.
V16; Desolate, afflicted, troubles, distresses, affliction, pain: This sweet, comforting Psalm came from a season of agony for David. Much of the agony came from enemies, for there were many. When I read ‘enemies’ I think of the spiritual forces of Darkness (Eph6:12). Did Paul think of this verse when he wrote 1000yrs later 1Corinthians4:8-10? Always place God between you and your troubles.
One of the worst aspects of difficulty and trial in the life of the believer is that it can lead one to become terribly self-focused and concerned only with our own problems. David, in his humility and reverence to God, was guided in a better way and finished by praying for the afflictions of others. True happiness is found in seeking the happiness of others.
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