Eccl 3:11 “He has made everything beautiful in its time; also he has put eternity into man’s mind…” We are all governed and held by the omnipotent, yet gentle hand of the creator. Life is a journey and at this moment we stand in the valley between the mountain peaks of two eternities. The word of God declares repeatedly that the day will come when time will turn on its hinge and become eternity. We are witnesses to the flowing of the tides, the surging sweeping process of life, the moving of the worlds and whirling galaxies. Yet through it all He is silently and patiently moving us through the valley, towards the immensity of what lies beyond the mountain peak before us. When Jesus said in Matt 11:29 “take my yoke upon you…” he was saying let me take the load and let us journey together. God bless your day and all that lies before you.
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