I have a Favourite word in the Bible, it is also the most incredible word in the Old Testament. It is variously translated into English by the words ‘love’, ‘unfailing love’ ‘loving kindness’(NIV) ‘steadfast love’(RSV), ‘goodness,’ ‘mercy,’ ‘merciful kindness’ or ‘faithfulness’(KJV). It is the Hebrew word ‘chesed’.
The entire confessional background of the Hebrew faith that makes up the cathedral of the Old Testament, rests on three grand pillars: Grace (Chesed), covenant (Berit), and teachings (Torah.) These are the three key words in understanding the Hebrew faith.
Chesed is a powerful word! ‘Chesed’ is an act that has no cause! The ultimate act of ‘chesed’ is creation, “out of nothing’. No one merits existence, we only exist by the gift of God. Our relationship to God depends on ‘chesed’, because He owes us nothing. God does not save us because of what we do, but because of who He is! Loving kindness (RSV) is an act that has no cause. It is a character trait of God because “God is love.” (1John 4:8) This Old Testament equivalent of the New Testament word ‘grace’ (Greek – charis) shows us that the plan of salvation has been the same throughout history.
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