My Favourite Stories #130

Why prayer is important, but how you do it is not. Part 2.

Faith says that even though I do not understand the will of God I will trust Him regardless. Job said, “Though he slays me yet will I trust Him.” A true follower of God will rise from their stumblings and move on courageously.

If we linger on the margins of Christianity worrying about the unanswerable questions concerning suffering, unanswered prayer, providence, free will or any other of life’s most difficult questions, like which is the quickest que in the supermarket, then we will get spiritual colic. But when we honestly confront our doubts in the quiet moments, we often find ourselves growing into a faith that transcends our doubts. Doubts are normal but take them into the quite moments and watch them disappear. Divine providence is a mystery that only God understands, so don’t bother to struggle with it. We will never know in this life why some things happen and why other things don’t, so it is not worth the spiritual indigestion.

The essence of the Mary and Martha story was that Jesus wants us to enjoy Him. The main essence in the Abel and Cain story was not disobedience but the evidence of attitude revealed in behaviour. However, to the friendship with God aspect we need to add this dimension. He is the Almighty God upon whose shoulders the universe hangs. Friendship is only one aspect by which we relate to God. There is worship and respect (Fear), there is faith and trust.

Here is one of the great enigmas of scripture. Why is David remembered more for his devotion to God than for his achievements. How did a lusty, vengeful king earn the reputation as “a man after God’s own heart?” Is that an enigma? A conundrum? A Mystery? It was because he was a Mary and not a Martha. David’s life had buoyant highs and devasting lows. There are contrasts in his life. At one moment he is doing cartwheels behind the ark, then he is having a crisis of faith. How would you feel if your adultery and murder was just caught out and the whole world new about it on the evening news. David’s instinct was to relate his life to God, that is why we see him lying prostrate before God six nights in a row over the illegitimate child. His poetry makes it clear; he led a God saturated life. He was a Mary and that is why he delighted God.

So how do you relate to a God who at times does not seem to be there? There is no formula but the example of “the great cloud of witnesses” (Heb 12:1) would indicate quietness as being fundamental. How you achieve that is up to you.

We make assumptions about relating to God. To some He is the stern teacher handing out grades. The goal is to get a perfect score and earn the teacher’s approval. Muck up in class and receive the consequence. The only time I ever wished I was a girl was when I was waiting out in the hallway to be caned.

God’s approval does not depend on my good conduct but on His grace. You will never earn enough grades to reach the standard and thankfully you will never have to. It is true! We are saved by works, but not ours; His. Paul said, “We are accepted in the beloved” we are  “Seated in heavenly places ‘in Christ”. Peter told us we will be presented before the Father “without spot or wrinkle” in Christ.

A good parent loves their child regardless of grades at school – ask a parent if it is so! No matter who you are, you are a forgivable child. No matter what you are struggling with God loves you.

When Elijah was sulking in a cave after running away, he heard the still small voice of comfort not scolding. When Peter denied his friend, Jesus gave Him a melting look of love and Peter broke down and wept bitterly in the garden of Gethsemane. Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you for my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matt 11:28-30) Easy and light! So where does all the heaviness, hardness and guilt come from. It comes from religion! Not from Christ!                      

What does it take to convince you God loves you unconditionally. Despite our weaknesses and our failings. The halting, stuttering expressions of love we offer can never measure up to what God wants, but like any parent He accepts what the child offers.

Some people think that when they have been away from God and had some Christian ‘down time’,  maybe dropped out, fallen off the tree, or flat on our face, and our life is a mess, that they must claw their way back to God’s favour through acts of penitence (works.) These might include reading the Bible, praying harder, or being a better Christian. Let me tell you, we do not need a way to the way. Jesus said “I am the way…”  So what about repentance and confession? They are simply agreeing with God.

Go somewhere, anywhere – go sit on a park bench, go sit under a tree, go sit on a hill , or by the sea, go and sit in a cemetery, go and  sit in a cupboard, “take nothing for your journey” Jesus said. Take no book, take no Bible, take nothing. JUST SIT and listen. Listen to the still small voice, listen to the whisper of eternity – “Be Still and know that I am God” (Ps 46:10). Just you and God. You can do this in a busy railway station! One loneliest places to be is in a crowd.

In your heart ask God all the hard Questions. Let all your doubts flow out. Be angry, be sad, cry or weep. Just sit and look into the face of Jesus. As the hymn Rock of Ages says, “Nothing in my hand I bring simply to the cross I cling”. It doesn’t have to happen every day. It doesn’t have to happen every week, but whenever it does happen God gets excited. But as soon as you say it MUST happen you have lapsed back into works. God does not want your works, He wants you.

Abel brought himself in the person of a sacrifice.  Mary brought herself and sat at Jesus feet and looked into His eyes. Poor hard-working Cain brought his own labours.  Poor hard working Martha brought her own works and Jesus said to her, “ You are stressed and troubled about many things.”

Quietly reading Bible, or a book, sitting under a tree doing nothing, lying in bed, having a shower, doing the dishes, typing this message, can all be valid worship and friendship with God. That is all God wants. Everything else will flow from that. We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone.


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