14 Jul My Favourite Stories #134
Abel Tasman 1642
“Well, Tasman, what did you find? Van Dieman, governor of the Dutch possessions in the East Indies, asked.
“I sailed south and east around New Holland (Australia) as you suggested. On November 24 I sighted land off the southern coast of New Holland, which I named Van Dieman’s land.”
“What was it like there? Did you land?”
“For a brief time, sir,” Tasman answered. It was a most frightening place. I heard loud trumpet-like noises coming from the trees, but could not see what caused them. On the ground I saw huge marks that I took to be the tracks of great wild beasts. After putting up a marker, we sailed on.”
“And then?”
“A month later we discovered a high, mountainous country, which I named New Zealand.”
“Were there any people in this land?”
“Yes,” Tasman replied. “Tall, strong, dark skinned people with hoarse voices and long black hair, combed into a knot on top of their head. Their bodies were covered with tattoos. We found them very intelligent.”
“Did you trade with them?” Governor Van Dieman asked.
“We did a little trading,” Tasman responded. However, one day the natives attacked a boatload of unarmed sailors and killed three of them. I named the spot ‘Bay of Murderers’ and marked it on my map and sailed on.”
“Didn’t you take revenge?” the governor frowned.
“No, sir. We treated them only with kindness.”
“You are too timid, Tasman,” Governor Van Dieman replied.
Do you think it was cowardice on the part of Abel Tasman to leave New Zealand without taking revenge? Or was he showing the strength of character that few people have? It takes courage to follow the command of Jesus: “do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also.” Matthew 5:39
If you are going to follow the advice of Jesus, how will you behave when someone hits you? How will you behave when a person calls you names? How will you respond to any provocation?
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