30 Jul My Favourite Stories #172
Tears of a Prince and a Callous Princess.
You might think the following story surely is not in the Bible. I will tell you at the end where to find it.
The story begins with the hero in tears. Bitter tears. The girl he had turned into a princess had done him wrong. Her background had – to say the least – been questionable. But with a will to think only the best, he had taken a calculated risk.
I believe the prince reassured himself, that environment will be powerful enough to offset whatever hereditary entanglements she may have. But he was wrong.
Maybe her mother was a prostitute, and heaven only knew who her father was. But after all he did for her, he told himself, I can’t believe what she has done.
The prince recalled the day many years ago when he had taken a short cut past a field of stubble. He was hurrying, but a small movement in the dry grass stirred his curiosity and drew him closer. Looking down he saw a tiny girl – no more than a few hours old. Her umbilical cord was uncut. She was unwashed and obviously abandoned.
He was angry, and in his heart, he knew that only a prostitute, ridding herself of the trophy of her trade, could act so inhumanely. But he wanted to believe differently. He wanted to believe the best about the girl’s past because he was plotting the best for her future.
“You are going to live,” he promised the tiny waif. “I’ll see to it.” And he did so. He made unlimited provision for her to be clothed, fed, and educated. She was to be totally cared for.
The prince watched in awe as the little girl blossomed into a young woman. She relied on his love and tenderness. She became scintillatingly lovely at each stage of her development. A new and mystical emotion began to surge in the prince’s heart, and he was forced to acknowledge a completely changed relationship. Abandoning his former caretaker role, he unabashedly confessed his passionate love for her and proposed marriage.
After they sealed and signed the marriage covenant, the prince poured out his devotion to her in even greater extravagance. With clothing from the finest manufacturers, custom crafted shoes, jeweled necklaces, earrings and tiaras, his princess outshone all the women in his kingdom.
Then why should the prince be in tears?
Maybe he had convinced her too thoroughly of her superior beauty. She had begun to boast of it instead of boasting of her benefactor. One rumour hinted that she had been seen in the arms of another. Another was that she was being paid for sexual favours. But the prince would not be convinced.
However, he finally learned the truth, and it turned out to be even worse. His princess was actually paying her lovers to satisfy her desires. The prince’s illusions, his hopes and his faith were crushed. But they received the final blow when he learned that the funding of her lovers came from his gifts, his shared treasures, and their joint bank account.
What treachery. What utter infidelity. What unspeakable adultery, mourned the prince. How could you have done this to me? What do these other lovers have that I do not? What more could I have done? I wanted your love for myself alone. For I believed that I had earned your exclusive love. You are a shameless, ungrateful spouse. Yet how can I give you up? And the prince cried again.
This is the story of Israel as allegorized by Ezekial in the 16th chapter of his book? Be careful it is not your story! If these are indeed the last days of earth’s history, as I believe they are, then remember God’s end time people are not corrupted by women (i.e.false churches -Revelation 14:4) and they have separated themselves from the scarlet harlot of Revelation 17 & 18 and have nothing to do with her corruption and false teachings (her wine). Want to know more, enroll in my revised series to begin in January – “Daniel’ – Prophet of the Last Days,” and “Reflections on Revelation.” Both will be verse by verse expositions.
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