30 Jul My Favourite Stories #181
Vitus Bering
If you look at a map of the world you will notice that Nort America and Asia are separated by a narrow body of water called the Bering strait. Nearby is the Bering Sea, which, like the straight, is named after Vitus Bering, the Danish explorer who discovered North America and laid claim to Alaska for Queen Anna of Russia in 1741. (As you know Russia sold Alaska to the USA in 1867, just before the Alaskan Gold rush!)
One November day, after having drifted in a storm for three weeks, the lookout on Bering’s ship spotted land. He ran to the captain’s cabin, where Bering lay ill with scurvy (They hadn’t yet discovered the cure of eating citrus). “Sir, wake up!” the sailor gently shook the old man’s shoulder.
“Yes, what do you want?” Bering grimaced in pain as he turned to face the speaker.
“We have spotted land. It must be Kamchata Peninsula. Please sir, the men want to anchor.”
“No.” the weak man whispered. “We must sail on.”
“That’s impossible,” the first mate said entering the room just then. “The storm has ripped our sails and broken our ropes. The men are exhausted and ill. We cannot go further.”
“Very well,” commander Bering reluctantly gave in. “Put down the anchor.”
Unfortunately, they anchored too close to a reef. The tide drove the ship past the reef. The anchor cable snapped, and the ship was driven onto the rocky coast. The men were forced to winter on the barren island. They made dug outs for shelter and buried themselves in sand to keep warm. In his bed of sand Commander Vitus Bering died.
What a different story might have been told had the anchor held.
What about your anchor? Is your faith holding firmly onto Jesus? Only He can keep you safe in the storms of life. Faith is the anchor you need when tragedy strikes. You need to hold firmly to Jesus when doubts, fears and temptations threaten to shipwreck your life. That is your only safety, your only hope. Remember this: Be my feelings what they will, Jesus is my saviour still.
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