day 3 - Time to Visit Earth-Mom

There is something about the way the cosmos are designed that scream “relationship”.


Just think about it. The clouds water the earth, the water then evaporates to form clouds again. It’s as if the sky gives to the earth and the earth gives to the sky. They exist in a relationship with one another – giving and receiving equally.


The trees do as well. Sentient beings exhale carbon monoxide which the trees then turn into clean oxygen to give back to us.


We exist in relationship of giving and receiving with the paperbarks and peppermints that surround us.


The cosmos are literally designed this way. In order to thrive there is only one rhythm or rule to follow – the law of reciprocal relationship, giving and receiving equally.


That brings us to today’s challenge.


In the modern age, it’s normative to live in a non-reciprocal relationship with the earth. We are detached and disconnected from it. We eat artificial food, consume artificial drinks, and maneuver through life in aluminum pods with wheels and motors. But we aren’t designed for that. We are literally designed for organic connection to the earth. And the more disconnected we live, the more our bodies and minds suffer.


If we want to thrive with anxiety and give ourselves the best fighting chance possible, restoring our connection to the earth seems like a good idea.


So today, pause and think – how much time do you spend with mother earth? What was the last time you let her fields nestle you, her breeze embrace you and her food nurture you?


Maybe it’s time to plan a getaway. Let’s escape the artificial and synthetic and pay earth-mom a visit.

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– Finally, these texts are here to provide you with spiritual support. They are not therapy. Please ensure you access proper mental health care via your GP if needed. If you are ever in crisis, contact Lifeline at: 13 11 14 (