We talked about our connection to the earth yesterday. Today, let’s take that a step further. Let’s talk about the art of being an “earth-foodie.”
Our connection to the earth is not only common sense, it’s also scientifically demonstrable. For example, the practice of “earthing” (basically, walking barefoot on soil) has been shown to connect the body to electrons in the earth that in turn heal our body and improve our sleep.
A plant based diet has also been shown to have incredible health benefits, both physical and emotional (cause you know, the whole mind-body dance thing).
Research has also shown that spending time at the beach, or with certain animals like horses or dogs, has a positive impact on anxiety and PTSD.
It’s pretty clear – we were made from the earth and for the earth.
Which leads to today’s challenge. In her book, “Braiding Sweetgrass”, professor Robin Wall Kimmerer wrote that “[i]n some Native languages the term for plants translates to ‘those who take care of us.’”
This concept is but a further extension of how connected we are to the earth. The very act of eating is an intimate act. When we do so, we are expressing our intimacy with the earth and allowing it to fill us and heal us. The food the earth offers – the plants and fruits, grains and nuts etc. – all contain re-energising and healing elements that literally lift our moods, heal our aches, and comfort our souls.
There is something spiritual about the act of eating. It’s more than just quieting hunger pangs. It’s how the earth, and more importantly its creator, sustains and nurtures and cares for us.
So today, let’s have some fun together. Let’s celebrate an earth-foodie day!
You don’t have to do anything too outlandish or big. And of course, make sure you talk to your GP first before making any big changes. But if it’s safe for you to do so – try some earth foods today.
Be mindful as you eat – noticing the taste, the texture and the beauty of being fed by an ecosystem of which you are a part.
Imagine the life force of the earth entering your body, your blood stream and your mind.
Then, thank the creator for the nurture and sustenance he provides.
– If you are up to it, share your journey on Instagram! (Tag #thrivingwithanxietyperth)
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– Finally, these texts are here to provide you with spiritual support. They are not therapy. Please ensure you access proper mental health care via your GP if needed. If you are ever in crisis, contact Lifeline at: 13 11 14 (lifeline.org.au)