Whispering Eternity #28

Day 28.

The search for meaning is also a search for truth. The evolutionist believes in nothing at the end of life, some don’t know and will wait and see. Some believe in reincarnation, while others believe you have a soul that somehow floats off to heaven at death, still others believe in resurrection. So what is the truth? The wait and see option was not an option for me. I needed more certainty than that.

As I immersed myself in eastern religions and other philosophies, I realised all philosophies have the problem of first cause. The evolutionist cannot explain the beginning of matter and energy any more than a Hindu or Buddhist can prove that reincarnation is any more than a grand idea.
Having done a major in Biology at university, the creation, evolution or reincarnation dilemma was something I had to work out. If I was to believe in reincarnation and even if I could merge that with evolution, where did all the reincarnating “spirits” come from in the beginning if there was not a supreme being? Did the souls of amoeba and one-cell protozoa reincarnate in the beginning and what happened before they existed? If we believe in evolution at what stage in the distant past did a “soul” become a soul or a spirit a spirit?

I was to discover that in the debate between reincarnation and resurrection that all the proof is with the latter and that being able to prove that Jesus rose from the dead is a sure foundation upon which to build my faith in a hope beyond the grave. Reincarnation requires a blind faith with no proof. The resurrection of Jesus is a provable fact. For more evidence on this please refer to my SMS series called “Evidences.”

Eventually, having sorted that one out I then had to apply my biological background to the creation versus evolution debate. Especially in the light of the fourth commandment, which now required that I acknowledge God’s sovereignty over Creation and that the fourth commandment was integrated into the system as a memorial of that act. I observed that the year and day are governed by the sun, the month is governed by the moon, but it must be observed that the week has no other point of reference except it’s origin in the book of Genesis. The existence of the week itself is an acknowledgement of the seven-day cycle put in place at Creation and enshrined in the Ten Commandments as the Sabbath. The fourth commandment requires that I acknowledge God as the creator and that the literal 6 day creation followed by a day of rest is a spiritual requirement.

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