Everyday promises – 131

A merciful God

I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go …” Genesis 28:15 NIV

I cannot but be amazed by the mercy and love of God who spoke this promise to Jacob. He was a liar and a cheat who fled out into the wilderness, a death threat over his head. Yet when Jacob lay on the desert sand to sleep, he dreamed that there was a stairway from heaven to earth, with angels coming and going on it. He realised that God was there. Humbled and repentant he sort forgiveness. The Lord forgave Jacob and renewed his promise to bless and guide him wherever he went. Maybe you too have behaved in a less than favourable way. Maybe you think that what you have done can never be forgiven. You are wrong. When your heart turns to God, in sorrow for your sin, you will find forgiveness. Our Heavenly Father has open arms, a loving heart, and a promise that he will be with you wherever you go. He longs to forgive, to restore and to bless you.


photo by-mike-van-schoonderwalt-pexels

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