Everyday Promises – 144


So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11 NIV

It makes my body tingle and the hair rise on the back of my neck when I hear of incredible miracles that God performs. High in the mountains, on Mindoro, in the Philippines, a rebel group were hidden away. They had caused havoc on their island for half a century and thousands of  lives had been lost. Peace talks had failed despite offering the rebels money and land. The government tried everything without success. However, while holed up in the mountains the band began listening to Adventist World Radio and today’s promise was fulfilled in that bloodstained place. On Saturday November 13th, 2021 those former rebels, including the leader, surrendered their weapons and their hearts to Jesus. More than 2,000 people were baptised. God’s purpose is for all people to be saved. There is power in his word and love in his heart for you. Let it soak into your soul and see the difference it makes.


photo by palu-malerba-pexels and story from adventistreview.org, Nov 17,2021

1 Comment
  • Peter from Silvan
    Posted at 08:28h, 08 August Reply

    Amen, praise God!!

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