Everyday Promises – 147


But whoever listens to me (wisdom) will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.” Proverbs 1:33 NIV

One day my sister was out watering the horses when she heard someone calling “Hello, hello” She looked around, wondering who it was. She decided to go in the direction of the voice and discovered one of her tenants had locked herself in her own back yard. The wind had slammed the back door shut and due to the high fences she was trapped. My sister looked through all of her keys hoping to find a duplicate, without success. Although it was late she decided to ring the Estate Agent. Luckily one of the secretaries was still there and they were able to bring the duplicate key around. After the tenant was rescued my sister advised her to get a couple of duplicate keys cut and hide them outside. It was good advice but the tenant did not follow the advice and has since locked herself out 4 or 5 times. The woman has caused herself and my sister a great deal of trouble over the years. Listening to advice is wise and can save us from much inconvenience, or years of heartache and pain. Today’s promise assures us that if we are wise we will reap a harvest of blessings, and a better, more comfortable life.

photo by alena-darmel-pexels

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