Everyday Promises – 171

The Gift of God

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God Ephesians 2:8 NIV

I am blessed to have children that shower me with gifts. Most of all I love their company but I have some wonderful grandchildren, trips overseas, regular money, a car, a computer, a watch, a phone and all manner of little kindnesses from them. I feel totally underserving of the love they shower on me. What God offers us is even more incredible and I am even more undeserving. Yet, his gift is free, I don’t have to earn his love and I don’t have to work to be accepted. Even though I am a sinner he loves me. He died for me, taking the punishment for my evil ways. He adopted me into his family, he sends his Holy Spirit to comfort and help me. He keeps his promises and showers blessings upon me. My heart is full of love for such a God. He loves you in just such a way. He longs to spend time with you everyday and he freely offers you his bounty. You only have to ask.


photo by karolina-grabowska-pexels

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