Everyday Promises – 22


Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Mark 5:36 NIV

How many times, like in the story of Jairus, things appear to get worse before they get better. When there is a great difficulty in our lives, it often seems that God is delayed and does not respond to our call for help. Jesus was delayed on his way to Jairus’s house. The words, “Don’t be afraid, just believe,” that Jesus said to Jairus, when he heard his daughter had died, are a command and a promise. When all looks the most hopeless we need to trust. Trust in the mighty life-giving hand of Jesus. He hung the stars in the sky, created all the wonders that surround us. He healed the sick and spoke life into the dead. Nothing is impossible for him. We need to bring our troubles before him and not be afraid, just believe.              

Photo by kristina-v-unsplash
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