Everyday Promises – 273

The Miracle Well

We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. Psalm 33:20 NIV

The land had dried up. Sunita’s husband, a Hindu wanted to perform a Hindu ritual to find water. Sunita said, “No, we should ask God.” So, Sunita went to church to ask the members to come and pray. She had only enough money for the well digger to go down 150 feet. The day came and the church members arrived, helped choose a spot and prayed. Then the thump, thump of the well digger began. They waited, they watched, they prayed. 50 feet -no water, 100 feet- no water, 150 feet-no water. The well digger stopped and asked for more money. Sunita asked him to go just a few more inches. He grumbled but agreed, suddenly water gushed out of the ground. God had answered their prayers and that well still supplies abundant water for the family. No matter how dark the outlook, or difficult the situation, if we go to God, asking and trusting him, he will help us.


photo by james-frid- pexels     story by Sunita Hedge, from Youth & Adult Mission

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