Everyday Promises – 280

The Lord hears when I call

Know that the Lord has set apart his faithful servant for himself; the Lord hears when I call to him. Psalm 4:3 NIV

There was a time in my teenage years when I was involved in what we called ‘Street Preaching’. We had various singing groups, a sound system, some people willing to talk to the crowd about Jesus and a cafe to invite interested people to afterward. This particular night the rain was relentless. It was coming down in sheets. We stood under umbrellas discussing the problem. The rain just had to stop, or we had to go home. We were sure God wanted us to share the love of Jesus. So, we gathered around in a circle and one by one we prayed. By the time the last voice had died away, the rain stopped. We decided to set up immediately. It was not until the last piece of equipment was packed away after the program, that the rain poured down again. I know that God heard us and held the rain back while we witnessed for him. He loves to hear and answer the call of his children. You can trust him and rest secure in his response when you pray.

photo by george-desipris-pexels

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