Everyday Promises – 294

A journey to heavenly pasture

“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32 NIV

Why does God use the illustration of sheep for his followers? There are several really good reasons. Firstly, it is an illustration that can be seen almost everywhere around the world. This helps people from every land to understand God’s great care. Secondly, sheep are so helpless and need great care to keep them safe and well. Most importantly however, it demonstrates the tender care, understanding, patience, protection and love of the shepherd. Our Good Shepherd is ever attentive to his little flock. He realises how defenseless and weak we are and in great love he nurtures, and watches over each sheep and lamb. Even those sheep that wander away are actively sought and retrieved. He knows each by name and is determined to let none of his flock fall by the wayside. Jesus, that loving shepherd will guide us safely to the heavenly pasture lands. Listen for his voice and be guided home, for he loves you and wants you there.

photo by-ekrulila-pexels

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