For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 2 Corinthians 4:17 NIV
When I was a small child if I got a smack for doing something naughty, I would purposely go and stick my head inside one of the tin buckets to cry. It amplified my misery and obviously gave me some sort of satisfaction. I laugh about it as I look back. Perhaps I was trying to show my mother how sad I was. Despite popular opinion my discipline really helped me to learn to obey, to respect others and to know that doing right benefits the whole community. We live through many difficulties in life. If we are wise, we can learn from our experiences. Going through the fire refines the precious metal. God wants us to grow and so must allow the heat to penetrate our hearts. He never causes our trials, for they come about from living in a degenerating world of sin and the bad decisions we have made, or others have made that impact us. Our Father in heaven knows about our every heartache and he has promised to be our help, our refuge, and our strength. Romans 8:28 reminds us that he will work all things together for our good. It hurts to grow; I know for I have had my head in the tin bucket often through life, but it will bring about a glorious reward in the end. Keep looking up.
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