For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”. Luke 19:10 NIV
When I was a kid I loved to play hide and seek. My siblings and I would hide anywhere around the house or yard. One day I was ‘it’ and went out searching. Eventually I found my brother but no matter how I searched I couldn’t find my sister anywhere. My brother began to help but we still failed to find her. At last, she revealed that she was on the garage roof. Not even a good hiding place can hide us from God. Jesus depicts himself as the good shepherd who goes out seeking the lost, and there is not a person throughout the whole earth that God does not seek to save. I know that most people, when looking back over their past, can see the hand of God in their lives, even before they met him as Lord and Saviour. He stands in the shadows of every life, to bring about, by providence, an encounter with the Living God. Don’t turn away if you meet him, for loves you and longs to give you a happy, fulfilled life forever.
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