Everyday Promises – 35


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 NIV

Everything in our world is so transitory. The seasons of our life are constantly changing with time. Sin has made every constant unstable; Friends come and go, marriages breakdown, children leave home, people pass away, jobs begin and end, our health fluctuates, weather events are increasingly unsafe, world leaders are more untrustworthy, and world events are more dangerous and uncertain. It is hard to depend on anyone or anything. Although today’s verse is not a typical promise, I treasure it as such because our great God is totally reliable, steadfast and unchanging. His character of love, compassion, faithfulness and righteousness will remain the same throughout all eternity. Like a mighty Rock he remains the same yesterday, today and forever. No matter how unpredictable your life, you have a Great Constant in Jesus. Put your hand in his today for he will never, never let you down.


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