Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? James 2:5 NIV
Did you know that the gates of Versailles alone were made with 100,000 gold leaves? And the palace was filled with gold. There was gold covered décor, a solid gold dinner service and even the chamber pots were pure silver. Now I have never experienced riches like that. Matter of fact I have never even been moderately well off. The majority of my life I have been quite poor. Yet as this promise states the poor can be rich in faith. It is possible that this occurs because when we are poor we look to God for all our needs. It develops faith and trust in a God of incredible love and faithfulness. His ears are always open to the call of those who love him. However, if you are rich that does not mean you cannot be rich in faith too. It depends entirely on you! If you don’t fall into the trap of trusting your riches instead of trusting God, then a rich faith is possible in anyone. Remember our Father in heaven loves you with an everlasting love and he can help you in every situation you might face and every choice you make.
info about Versailles from
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