Everyday Promises – 79


For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 1:20 NIV

Jesus is the door that opens the room of promise for us. He alone could break down the dividing wall between us and God the Father. It is by his death and resurrection that the rich promises of the Bible are available for us. No matter what promise we claim the answer is ‘Yes’ in Jesus. Just like precious gems that glisten in the earth and must be dug up, so are the precious promises that God has placed in the Bible for us. Searching the scriptures can help us discover these promises and give us access to all we need in this life and the one to come. These great treasures are available to all the children of God. Delve into God’s word and they will gleam brightly, right when you need them.


Photo by kalineri-unsplash

1 Comment
  • Royna Nelson
    Posted at 09:14h, 10 May Reply

    Yes it is true.he is the lord the christ jesus open the door on the Mt clevery so that we can face to face with God. Thanks

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