Everyday Promises 91


As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore. Psalm 125:2 NIV

According to Sar-el, an Israeli tour company, there are mountains surrounding Jerusalem. In fact, there are 7 mountains that surround Jerusalem. Situated in the middle of a low range of mountains Jerusalem was built on the site of Mt Moriah where Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham answered Isaac’s inquiry about the sacrifice with the words: “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” (Gen 22:8.) A prophetic reply about the sacrifice Jesus would make for the world, at that very place. Significantly, 7 in Biblical terms is the number of completeness or perfection. Just as those seven mountains completely encircle Jerusalem, so God’s power, protection and provision completely surround his people. We need never fear when we have our mighty God taking care of us.


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