09 Dec Following The Evidence #103
Some atheists, have said, “Why doesn’t God reveal himself to us? Why doesn’t he just show himself, (as one suggested) by writing his name in the sky so that we could know? Why isn’t it simple?”
God has revealed himself in nature and scripture and has given us minds to see and eyes to read. The example of the Israelites at Sinai warns us (Ex 32). They saw the smoke and fire and heard God speak, but in 40 days they were worshiping a golden calf. Jesus cautioned those that were looking for a sign (Matt 12:39) and said that they would not believe even if someone rose from the dead (Luke 16:19-31). Apparently, God feels that men must decide based on evidence and the witness of another who writes what he has seen. And who said life would be simple?
Some have said, “How can we know which God this creator is? There are many gods, how do you know it is the Christian God who creates?” The implication is that since it is impossible to know, it is of no consequence. This is shallow thinking. Man has explored the atom and sent probes deep into space. Is he unable to search out the most significant Being in the universe? Besides, we can simplify the quest by considering only those gods that claim to be Creator. Even the Phoenician sailors taking Jonah to Tarshish knew that the Creator was of a different order. Let questioners examine the various gods’ claims. I think it will be clear. As we have previously noted. Yahweh – the God of the Old testament declares that He alone is the only God that can reveal the future. This is because He is outside time. Time was created for us. Therefore, God said to Isaiah That He “knows the end from the beginning.”
Some have said, “Well then, who created God and who created God’s creator, etc.?” I dealt with this in ‘Evidence #2’ This is called an endless regression and it sidesteps the issue. If we could understand God, He would cease to be God. The question under consideration is whether the universe shows signs of intentional creation or the mere workings of chance. It shows the characteristics of intention by its fine tuning and design. From our experience in daily life with cause and effect, only one entity we know can be intentional, a mind. Therefore, it is the product of Mind. If we have established this, then we can discuss by what means and where the Mind came from etc. However, these musings do not change the answer to the primary question: the appearance of intention. The excellent evidence leads me to believe in a creator! I do not fear the whisperers of purposelessness that some in modern science would endorse. My colleague at school (Matt Doel) once told me, “Evolution is about dead things, creation is about the living.” He also pointed out to me that Darwin said on p96 of his book ‘Origin of the Species’ ”If evolution were true the earth’s crust would be littered with the fossils of intermediate species.” He added, “Where are all the intermediate part-evolved species?” “There should be millions of them, but there is jack, squat, diddly” to use his words.
We have seen that there are good reasons for believing in a Creator God, including the order, and fine-tuning of the universe and the evidence from design. Einstein (who was no dummy) believed an intelligence had made the cosmos. (Quoted in: Origin and Evolution of the Universe: Evidence for Design?) Defending this proposition is not difficult nor does it involve the denial of the scientific evidence. The evidence indeed points to a Creator. As an Adventist I believe Revelation 14:6-12 admonishes me to take the Biblical position on creation, while warning the world of the near coming of our Lord. Revelation 14:7 even quotes the Sabbath commandment word for word from Exodus 20:11.
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