09 Dec Following The Evidence #104
Despite the assaults of atheists and agnostics for centuries, multitudes believe in a literal 7-day creation, despite the reported evidence against a literal reading of Genesis 1, and though the media and many scientists who reject it. Two pillars of objective reality support the Bible: The changed lives of those who believe, and the fulfillment of copious prophetic predictions, including the character and work of the Messiah. I am happy to provide free the book by the converted notorious atheist Antony Flew. Just message me and I will post it without cost or obligation.
As we have noted; Jesus, the disciples and Paul assumed the truth of this theory. Plus, the story of redemption seems to make no sense without the stories of Genesis 1-3. Bultmann in his small book, New Testament and Mythology, noted the close relationship between the story of the fall and the need for salvation. If there were no fall, why need there be salvation and atonement? By rejecting a creation and fall, Darwin’s Theory undermines the doctrine of salvation.
The creation story gives purpose. In Genesis 1 and 2, God works with intention and deliberation to make a world suitable for the crown of creation, humankind. They have a role to play, and God has given them a work to do, and a place under the sun. They are the children of the Most High, rather than the offspring of the scum of the earth. They are legitimate beings, not an accident. God comes at eventide each day to speak to the man and woman. He talks personally to them at the fall. All this shows more than casual concern. This contrasts starkly with the purposelessness at the foundation of the evolutionary theory, where there is only chance and ultimate meaninglessness.
There is a certain incompatibility between evolutionary theory and the character of God revealed in Scripture. Natural selection ruthlessly culls the infirm and weak, while Jesus stoops to care for the “least of these: my brethren”. Millions of years of death by an uncaring universe, contrast with numbered hairs and heaven’s interest in fallen sparrows. We have also noted that God challenges the other gods to tell the future (Is 41: 21-24). This is evidence that can be checked against history but does not fall under the rules laid down by science. The testimony of a changed life is outside the ways of science yet remains a powerful incentive to belief.
The creation story in Genesis is not a scientifically stated theory. It is, rather, (as we have noted) more like rhythmic prose. It does not lend itself to dissection by using the scientific method, as this technique was not practiced by the ancients. There is, however, one statement in the creation story that can be tested: God said that all the animals and plants would produce after their kind. The Theory of Evolution disputes this statement asserting that over long periods of time, a “kind” will gradually change into another: it will become a different “kind.” Strictly speaking, the fossil record seems to support the creationist view. In other words, few transitional forms are found (macro-evolution has not been demonstrated). Geneticist have been exploring the very edges of some “kinds” genetic makeup, (even when I was doing Science in the early 70’s they were using fruit flies in the biology lab) to see if they can show where transition into another “kind” occurs. Yet they come to a boundary that they cannot cross. There are no transitions in the fossil record.
Evolution has no explanation for the origin of life. Evolution has no theory for the origin of life. Much speculation is presented as if it were true, but there is no good theory. Speculation abounds. Faith abounds in their assumptions.When I discuss evidence for the flood, I will address the apparent age of the earth.
There is evidence of design. Darwinians tell us that we are not using our minds when we believe that there is a Creator. But they must deny the use of their senses when viewing the cosmos. The universe and the life on our planet have a purposeful look. They appear as if they were made the way they are for a reason. We also noted that Social Darwinism has failed. We have discussed the onslaught of death initiated by atheistic regimes in the 20th Century.
Darwin said: “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down” (Colin Patterson Evolution page 117.) It is broken!
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