Following The Evidence #105

I prayed over 50 years ago now, that if God were there that He would reveal Himself to me. I have met God. He has led me through mountains, dark valleys and over hills. I have seen him work in my life and in the lives of others. The reasoned responses to evolution and atheism’s arguments came later but confirmed my experience.

I have seen God speak to the most basic human needs through His Word, the Bible. There is a solace there that exists nowhere else. I have valued the impute of ‘The Word’ in my life for over 5 decades and I believe by its study I have been spared the dark alleys that the buccaneer of the universe would like to drag me into and mug my faith. This is not an anti-intellectual position, for study of the Bible requires careful thought, and its deepest secrets open only to the diligent seeker. I still love and teach Science.

I have seen how the theory of evolution has shaken the faith of old and young alike in the truth of the Bible. Some recover and rethink their doctrine of the Bible or adjust their view of science. But others are unable to do this and leave the church in body or if unable to do so, in mind. This theory causes such destruction of faith that I cannot see that it is part of the truth of God.

I therefore give more weight to the evidence for creationism and set aside those interpretations of science that support Darwin’s theory. I have made a conscious decision to give greater weight to arguments supporting scripture than to the findings of science that conflict with revelation. I have not ignored science nor denied it findings but accept revelation as a higher more complete knowledge. This is an informed decision, after looking at all the evidence including that of the scientists and my own experience.

Creation is up front about this – there is evidence, but the leap of faith must be taken (see Heb 11:3) while many scientists are less transparent, refusing to see that their position also requires assumptions and great leaps of faith: faith that science will in the future be able to answer all the questions of life for which it has no answer now.

So, what is the conclusion of the sceptics after all their careful research? As Dawkins said, “The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but pitiless indifference.” In contrast I have chosen a life coloured by faith. Habitual faith is a treasure I have striven for. I love theology because to me the definition of theology is faith seeking understanding. We cannot let the world rob us of faith by its sophisticated arguments and caustic ridicule.

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