05 Jan Following The Evidence #106
That this world is a planet in rebellion against its creator is evident from the evidence that God’s word provides. It is also apparent that God has placed boundaries on this rebellion. A line has been drawn that says in effect that “sin will go no further than this.” The antediluvian world (Pre flood) crossed that line and “then the Lord saw that the wickedness of mankind was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually.” (Gen 6:5 NASB). In V7 he declared to Noah, “The end of humanity has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence because of people; and behold, I am about to destroy them with the earth.” This “line in the sand” was crossed by those in the days of the Tower of Babel, Sodom and Gomorrah and other civilizations like the Canaanites upon whom God used the Israelites as a judgment for their evil. It might seem like Genocide to instruct the Israelites to destroy a nation, but archaeology has shown us that this civilization was so corrupt and violet that they wont translate the excavated material.
So is the Universal Flood, the Tower of Babel and destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to be read as history? If not then we would have to take issue with the first 20 chapters of Genesis, which includes the story of Abraham, because the stories are intertwined.
If the story of Noah’s flood is to be taken as history, what is the evidence? The only eyewitness testimony for a world-wide flood is the one who brought it upon the world that had crossed the line drawn for sin. Does Genesis 6-8 have any evidence? Very much so! But first let me talk about ‘bias.’ Two people can look at the same ‘evidence’ and interpret it entirely differently according to their bias. An evolutionist will look at the fossil record and the layering of deposition and say this is evidence for evolution, while a creationist, like myself, will look at the same evidence and based on my bias for what the Bible teaches me, I will say this is strong evidence for the flood that covered the earth for 14 months, about 4500 years ago. Before I present my evidence for the flood, I must add that this is one of the issues I had to resolve for myself personally as I made my journey into faith in the word of God. I am about to give you the evidence of my struggle that began 50 years ago.
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