05 Jan Following The Evidence #113
After reading those 30 biographies of great religious pioneers and innovators I had questions, but I already knew that when Job asked God Questions, God only answered his questions with more questions. I soon realized that I was Paddling my canoe on the edge of the deep & dark mystery of God’s sovereignty. I had for a moment peered into the infinite mist where words and reason fail. I was led to this subject by the reading of these biographies, but I was left with more questions than when I began.
I have many great volumes in my library about the sovereignty of God. But we need a simple answer that will affect and fuel our faith. As I went to the edge of this mystery and peered beyond, I heard the whisper of eternity and this is what it said.
From the dawning to the sunset of this world’s history God is silently, patiently working out His will. A commitment to God is not a recipe for prosperity, the evidence of great lives shows it often brings incredible hardships and hassles with institutional religion. The answer to the questions on the sovereignty of God is simple and concise. God has the right to do whatever He likes, and I lack the understanding & perspective to know why. History is the tide of the almighty. Throughout its ebb and flow it has a destiny, a consummation, a curtain call. I do not understand it all, but I trust. He is God & He can do whatever He likes, and I trust him with the outcome.
There is not much in this world that I really understand. When it comes to God, we have insights into His character through the glimpses of grace and examples of the severity of his justice from the Old Testament. As we see Him interacting with a rebellious planet, we see the motive of His salvation. I comprehend, through the death of Jesus, that God loves me passionately and that He wants me to spend eternity with Him. We have a prophetic panorama of this world’s history that dimly outlines its destiny. But when it comes to all else, we are like an ant in the kitchen. We live our lives in the obscurity of the valley between the snow-capped mountain peaks of two eternities.
In the end we are all but the slaves of life, and we drag our shackles with us from day to day while life, like water, runs through our fingers. We are like an ant in the kitchen preoccupied with a search for the morsel and totally unaware of the surrounding architecture and technology. Because we are so small, we cannot understand more than a speck of His ways. This is because we lack the perspective to see the “kitchen” as God sees it. We are merely cosmic Robinson Caruso’s with amnesia, shipwrecked but standing on the sands before an infinite ocean asking questions like who am I where did I come from and how did I get here? God is God and as the sovereign ruler of the universe He can do whatever he likes, and I will put my faith in the final outcome. My prayer is that you now have enough evidence to do the same.
Henny Vanderpol
Posted at 09:08h, 22 JanuaryAbsolutely. Well said Ross!
Ross Chadwick
Posted at 17:24h, 25 JanuaryThanks